
Past Presentations:
Gender Differences in Coping among Spousal Caregivers for Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis, Samantha L. DeDios, Eun-Jeong Lee, Mandy W. M. Fong, Camile Simone, and Gloria Lee Illinois Institute of Technology
Positive Problem-Solving: A Mediator between Relationship Satisfaction and Quality of Life among Caregivers of Children with Autism, Samantha DeDios-Stern, Jessica Pieczynski, Eun-Jeong Lee, and Gloria K. Lee, Illinois Institute of Technology, SUNY Buffalo
Caregiver Self-Esteem: Relationships between Parenting Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Parental Caregivers of Children with Autism, Samantha DeDios-Stern, Lauren Ruben, Eun-Jeong Lee, and Gloria K. Lee, Illinois Institute of Technology, SUNY Buffalo
Family Adaptation Model for Spousal Caregivers of People with Multiple Sclerosis : Testing the Stress-Processing Theory, Eun-Jeong Lee, Samantha DeDios, Camille Simonette, & Gloria K. Lee Illinois Institute of Technology & University at Buffalo-the State University of New York
Wilson, C., Lee, E.-J., & Mead, M. (August, 2016). Gender differences in rehabilitation research: The Debate continues for female researchers and women with disabilities. Symposium session presented at the 2016 APA annual Convention, Denver, CO
DeDios-Stern, S., Lee, E.-J., Beauvais, J., Montgomery, V., & Howell, G. (August, 2016). Considering disability, age, and sexual orientation diversity: Key issues in competency and training. Collaborative presentation presented at the 2016 APA Convention, Denver, CO.
DeDios-Stern, S., Lee, E.-J., & Bishop, M. (August 2016) Predicting assistive technology use among individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Poster presentation presented at the 2016 APA Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Cartwright, B., Yamamoto, K., Lee, E.-J., Domenico, F., Ysasi, N., & Santos, L. (April 2016). Inclusion, equity, and social justice: A key ingredient for rehabilitation counseling approaching 2020. The invited preconference workshop presented at the 2016 National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Orange County, CA.
Lvins-Lukse, M., Lee, E.-J., Jin, L., Kim, K.-J., Lee, H.-K. (June, 2016). The Influence of Basic Psychological Needs on Life Fulfillment among Domestic and International College Students. Poster presentation accepted for the 6th International Conference on Self-Determination Theory, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Livins-Lukse, M., DeDios-Stern, S., Park, J., Chun, J., & Lee, E.-J. (May 2016) Caregivers of Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Resilience and Psychosocial Adjustment. Poster presentation presented at the 2016 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
DeDios-Stern, S., Livins-Lukse, M., Park, J., Chun, J., & Lee, E.-J. (May 2016) Coping and Depression among Caregivers of Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. Poster presentation presented at the 2016 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Lvins-Lukse, M., DeDios-Stern, S., & Lee, E.-J. (February2016). Sense of Coherence: Potential Mediators between Perceived Stress and Quality of Life among Caregivers of Family Members with Brain Injury Poster presentation presented at the 2016 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
DeDios-Stern, S., Livins-Lukse, M., Park, J., Chun, J., & Lee, E.-J. (February 2016) Differences in Psychosocial Outcome among Korean Caregivers of Adolescents with Intellectual Disability, Developmental Disability, or Autism Spectrum Disorder Poster presentation presented at the 2016 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
DeDios-Stern, S., Lee, E.-J., Hughes, A., & Vega, M. (February 2016). Clinical Psychology/Rehabilitation Graduate Student: Div. 22 Student Representative Elect. Oral presentation presented at the 2016 Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Lee, G.-K., Lee, E.-J., & DeDios-Stern, S. (August 2015) Hidden Client: Working with caregivers of people with chronic illness. Research presentation accepted at the 2015 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Lee, E.-J., Estrada-Hermandez, N., Shannon, C. D., Riddick-McClelland, N., Yamamoto, K. K., & Cartwright, B. (April 2015) Multicultural perspectives on help-seeking behaviors. Oral presentation presented at the 2015 National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, Newport Beach, CA.
Lee, E.-J., Yaeda, J., Bishop, M., Catalano, D., Lin, C.-P. & Mpofu, E. (April 2015) Psychosocial adaptation research in rehabilitation counseling around the globe. Oral presentation presented at the 2015 National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, Newport Beach, CA.
Ditchman, N., Easton, A., Sheehan, L., & Lee, E.-J. (April 2015) Social support and network ties as facilitators of sense of community. Oral presentation presented at the 2015 National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, Newport Beach, CA.
Kim, S., Lee, E.-J., & Stutts, L. (February 2015) Redefining disability: Diversity, multiculturalism, and intersectionality. Oral presentation session presented at the 2015 APA Division 22 mid year conference, San Diego, CA.
DeDios-Stern, S., Ivins-Lukse, M., & Lee, E.-J. (February 2015) Blame, coping, and depression in caregivers of individuals with brain injury. Poster presentation presented at the 2015 APA Division 22 mid year conference, San Diego, CA. ** This presentation was awarded as the best poster award from Division 22.
Ivins-Lukse, M., DeDios-Stern, S., & Lee, E.-J. (February 2015) A stress process model including resilience for caregivers of individuals with brain injury. Poster presentation presented at the 2015 APA Division 22 mid year conference, San Diego, CA.
Pieczynski, J., Lee, E.-J., & DeDios-Stern, S. (November 2014). Cultural Differences in Stigma toward Mental Illness and Willingness to Engage in Therapy among College Students in the U.S. (November, 2014). Poster presented to ABCT annual conference. Nashville.
Piper, L. E., Feigon, M., S., Lee, E.-J., Popa, A. M., Vernale, M. A., Nyenhuis, D., & Pilskin, N. H. (June, 2014). A comparison of the Mini Mental Status Examination to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in identifying cognitive impairment in adults with sickle cell disease. Poster presented at American Association Clinical Neuropsychology conference. New York, NY.
DeDios-Stern, S., Ruben, L., Lee, E.-J., & Lee, G.-K. (May 2014). Caregiver Self-Esteem: Relationships between Behavior Problems and Anxiety in Parental Caregivers of Children with Autism. Poster presentation presented for the 2014 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Troyk, M., Kundert, C., Lee, E.-J. (May, 2014). A systematic Review of the empirical evidence concerning wheelchairs within psychology. Poster presentation presented for the 2014 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL
Bank, M., Pilarski, C., Lee, E.-J., Wilson, C., & Keck, P. (February, 2014). Microagression. 3 hours workshop presented for the 2014 APA Division 22 mid year conference, San Antonio, TX.
DeDios-Stern, S., Pieczynski, J., Lee, E.-J., & Lee, G.-K. (February, 2014). Positive problem solving: A mediator between relationship satisfaction and quality of life among caregivers of children with autism. Poster presented at the 2014 APA Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Mid-Year conferences, San Antonio, TX. ** This presentation was awarded as the best poster award from Division 22 (section 1: Pediatric rehab).
Fong, M. W. M., DeDios, S., Yi, M., Lee, E.-J., Simonetti, C., & Lee, G. K. (May 2013) Coping styles and caregiving strain among spousal caregivers of individuals with multiple sclerosis Poster presentation presented at the 2013 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Fong, M. W. M., DeDios, S., Salazar, L., Lee, E.-J., Simonetti, C., & Lee, G. K. (May 2013) Objective and subjective caregiving demand and caregiving strain among caregivers of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Poster presentation presented at the 2013 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
DeDios, S., Fong, M. W. M., Lee, E-J., Simonetti, C., & Lee, G. K. (May 2013) Locus of control as a mediator for social support and family adaptation in spousal caregivers of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. Poster presentation presented at the 2013 Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Lee, E.-J., DeDios, S., Fong, M. W. M., Simonetti, C., & Lee, G. K. (February 2013) Stress processing model for caregivers of people with Multiple Sclerosis. Poster presentation presented for the 2013 APA Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Mid-Year conferences, San Francisco, CA.
DeDios, S., Lee, E.-J., Simonetti, C., & Lee, G. K. (February 2013) Gender differences among MS Spousal Caregivers in Coping and Strain. Poster presented at the 2013 APA Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology) Mid-Year conferences, San Francisco, CA. ** This presentation was awarded as the best poster award from Division 22 (section 2: Women’s issue).
Lee, E.-J., DeDios, S., Simonetti, C., & Lee, G. K. (April 2013) Stress Processing Model for Caregivers of People with Multiple Sclerosis. Concurrent session presented at the 2013 National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, San Francisco, CA.
Wang, C.-C., Sung, C., Yaeda, J., Millington, M., Wang, M.-H., Lee, E.-J., & Chan, F. (April 2013) Vocational Rehabilitation Profession, Education, and Practices in Asia and Australia: International Communication. Concurrent session presented at the 2013 National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, San Francisco, CA
Fong, M. W. M., Debb, K., Jones, J. E., Hermann, B., & Lee, E.-J. (October, 2012). A biopsychosocial model of perceived seizure severity in patient’s with temporal lobe epilepsy. Poster presented at the 2012 American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Vancouver, Canada.
Lee, E.-J. (May, 2012). Psychosocial Aspects of Disability and Roles and Functions of Rehabilitation Counselors. Invited to lead a workshop in Jeonju University, South Korea.
Lee, E.-J., Ditchman, N., Sokol, K., & Park, J. (April, 2012). Self-determination model among Asian Americans with mental illness. Poster presentation presented for the 2012 National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, San Francisco, CA.
Feigon, M., Dickson, D., Piper, L., Fong, M. W. M., Debb, K., Jones, J. E., Hermann, B., & Lee, E.-J. (2012). A Neuropsychological model of depression in individuals with epilepsy: A path analysis. Poster presentation presented at the 2012 annual American Psychological Association convention, Orlando, FL. **This poster was awarded as the best student research award from Division 40 (Neuropsychology).
Feigon, M., Fong, M. W. M., Lee, E.-J., & Leahy, B. (2012). RBANS neuropsychological profiles in older adults with memory decline. Poster presentation presented at the 2012 International Neuropsychology Society, Montreal, Canada.
Ditchman, N., Chan, Y.-C., Lee, E.-J., & Elg, B. (November, 2011). Best Practices for formal mentoring program: Implications for the rehabilitation workplace. Poster presentation presented at the 2011 Fall National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, Washington, DC.
Lee, E.-J. (August, 2011). Cultural value, stigma, mental health and help-seeking behaviors among Korean International Students in the U. S. Poster presentation presented at the 2011 annual Asian American Psychological Association convention, Washington, DC.
Lee, E.-J., & Chan, F. (August, 2011). Korean international students’ preferences for therapists: A conjoint analysis. Poster presentation presented at the 2011 annual American Psychological Association convention, Washington, DC.
Lee, E.-J., Sokol, K, & Baerentzen, B. (April, 2011). Resilience model for people with serious mental illness: A structural equation model. Oral presentation presented at the 2011 annual National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Fong, M.W.M., Lee, E.-J., & Leahy, B. (February, 2011). Neurocognitive predictors of daily living functional abilities in older adults. Oral/Poster presentations presented at the 2011 APA Rehabilitation Psychology conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Feigon, M., & Lee, E.-J. (June, 2010). Variables affecting willingness to seek treatment in Korean international students. Poster presentations presented at the 2010 APA Division 45-Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues conference, Ann Arbor, MI.
Lee, E.-J., & Park, J. (April, 2010). Predictors of recovery among people with severe mental illness. Poster presentation presented at the 2009 annual National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Fong, M.W.M., & Lee, E.-J. (February, 2010). Social acceptance as a mediator between empowerment and quality of life of people with mental illness. Oral and poster presentations presented at the 2010 APA Rehabilitation Psychology conference, Tucson, AZ. ** This presentation received student research award from Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology).
Lee, E.-J. (February, 2009). Public Stigma toward mental illness, Self-Stigma, and Help-Seeking Behavior among Korean American. Poster presentation presented at the 2008 annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Lee, E.-J., & Park, Y. S. (February, 2009). Public Stigma toward mental illness, Self-Stigma, and Help-Seeking Behavior among Korean American. Oral presentation presented at the 2009 annual National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, San Antonio, TX.
Catalano, D., Lee, E.-J., Hunter, C., Fujikawa, M., & Chan, F. (August, 2008). A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. Poster presentation presented at the 2008 annual American Psychological Association convention, Boston, MA.
Lee, E.-J. (April, 2008). Cognitive Vulnerability Model of Depression for People with Epilepsy: A four-year longitudinal study. Poster presentation presented at the 2008 annual Rehabilitation Psychology Conference, Tuscan, AZ.
Lee, E.-J. (February, 2008). Cognitive Vulnerability Model of Depression for People with Epilepsy: A four-year longitudinal study. Oral presentation presented for the 2008 annual National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, San Antonio, TX.
Lee, E.-J., & Lee, G. K. (August, 2007). Catastrophizing as a cognitive vulnerability factor related to depression in chronic pain patients. Poster presentation presented for the 2007 American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Chan, F., Blalock, K., Cardoso, E., Pruett, S. R., & Lee, E.-J. (August, 2007). Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Scale of Ethnocultural Empathy. Poster presentation presented for the 2007 American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA
Lee, E.-J., & Lee, G. K. (February, 2007). Catastrophizing as a cognitive vulnerability factor related to depression in chronic pain patients. Oral presentation the 2007 annual National Council on Rehabilitation Education professional conference, San Diego, CA.
Lee, E.-J., Rue, A., Hermann, B. P., & Sager, M. (Feburary, 2007). Cognitive Profiles in Persons at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. Poster presentation presented for the 35th International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, O
Lee, E.-J., Jones, J. E., Dow, C., Seidenberg, M., Chan, F., & Hermann, B. P. (February, 2007). Patterns of emotional distress and negative symptoms in TLE. Poster presentation presented for the 35th International Neuropsychological Society, Portland, OR.